年賀状(ねんがじょう) -New Year’s Card
Happy New Year! Thank you so much for your continued friendship and support for me.
As this year is the year of the snake, this new year’s card has a snake on it. Also 謹賀新年, Kingashinnen, is a greeting word to congratulate the new year. If you use 明けましておめでとうごさいます (Akemashite Omedetoogozaimasu), you can’t use both. Please use one of them.
「明けましておめでとうございます」という新年の挨拶(あいさつ)は普通(ふつう)一月七日(いちがつなのか)まで使(つか)いますが、そのあとは「本年もどうぞよろしくお願いします。」と言(い)うのがいいと思(おも)います。目上(めうえ)の方(かた)には「謹賀新年」のほうが丁寧(ていねい)なご挨拶だと思います。また、「明けましておめでとうございます。」は年賀状を書(か)くときにもどなたかにご挨拶をするときにも使えますが、「謹賀新年」はお祝いの言葉(ことば)を書くときに使います。You can say “akemashite omedetoogozaimasu” from January the 1st to the 7th (You can’t say “akemashite omedetoogozaimasu” before the new year comes.) After January the 7th, you can just say “Honnenmo doozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu” which means I appreciate your continuous support for me and friendship. “When you write a new year’s card to your superiors, 謹賀新年, Kingashinnnen” is more appropriate as it is more polite and humble expression. Also, “Akemashite omedetoogozaimasu” can be used for written and oral greetings, but “kingashinnen” is only for a greeting in writing.
年賀状は元旦(がんたん)に着(つ)くように、一週間(いっしゅうかん)ぐらい前(まえ)までに出(だ)します。 To be sure the postcards are delivered on New Year’s Day, people normally post their cards about one week before New Year’s Day.
そして、ひとつとても大切(たいせつ)なことは、一年以内(いちねんいない)に不幸(ふこう)があった喪中(もちゅう)の人(ひと)には「明けましておめでとうございます」などの新年の挨拶は控(ひか)えるのが普通(ふつう)です。喪中は家族(かぞく)が悲(かな)しみを乗(の)り越(こ)えるための期間(きかん)ですから、日本(にほん)では、お祝(いわ)い事(ごと)やおめでたいことは避(さ)けるのが通常(つうじょう)です。 One important thing to note is that there is a custom that we don’t send the new year’s card or exchange the words to congratulate new year to the family who has experienced the death of a family member in the previous year in Japan. The family may send a postcard saying, “We refrain from New Year’s greetings due to the mourning period”.
最近(さいきん)は、年賀状を出すのをやめる人も多(おお)いようです。この年賀状で最後(さいご)の年賀状にさせていただきますというメッセージを年賀状に入(い)れる人もおられるようです。 In recent times, there are some who may stop sending new year’s cards. If that is the case, they may mention that they will abstain from sending their new year’s card after this year.
最後(さいご)に、年賀状の表(おもて)にある番号(ばんごう)は宝(たから)くじのようなもので、現金(げんきん)30万円(さんじゅうまんえん)やほかの賞品(しょうひん)が当(あ)たるかもしれません。 Finally, the number at the bottom of the front of the New Year’s Card is just like a lotto and you may win “otoshidama”-New Year’s Money Gift, up to 300, 000 yen or other gifts.