Let’s learn Japanese and Food Culture 日本語と食文化
Inarizushi: photo credit, Yoko Irisawa
Spring is around the corner! I am having some workshops this week. Please contact me via email if you are interested in joining me to learn the Japanese language and little about Japanese food culture. If you are under the weather, please wait until the next opportunity. Thank you very much!
Fee: $20 per person ($35 for two) The maximum number of attendees: 6 per class. Location: North Street, Halifax (Detailed location will be given to you in my response.)
A) Tuesday, March 11, 2025 from 11:00 AM to- 12:30 PM: Onigiri (Rice balls) and Misosoup with vegetables (All vegan)
B) Thursday, March 13, 2025 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM: Inarizushi (Sushi rice stuffed inside of seasoned sweet fried tofu) and Misosoup with vegetables (All vegan)
C) Thursday, March 13, 2025 from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM: Takoyaki (Shrimp version or Cheese version of savory ball-shaped snack)
D) Friday, March 14, 2025 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM: Imagawayaki(Kaitenyaki); Japanese sweets with red bean paste (Regular/Vegan)
E) Saturday, March 15, 2025 from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM; Imagawayaki(kaitenyaki): Japanese sweets with red bean paste (regular/Vegan) and Anmaki, Sweet bean roll. (Sorry, vegan is not available.)
七草粥 Nanakusa-gayu
Nanakusa-gayu, Photo credit: Yoko Irisawa
January 7 is the day we call “Jinjitsu no sekku” and I made Nanakusa-gayu (rice porridge with seven herbs) wishing for my family to spend the rest of the year in good health. It should be eaten for breakfast, but I had mine for dinner.
“Haru no nanakusa” are the seven herbs of spring, which are Seri (=Japanese parsley), Nazuna (=shepherd’s purse), Gogyo (=Jersey cudweed), Hakobe (=common chickweed), Hotoke no za (=henbit), Suzuna (=turnip) and Suzushiro (=daikon).
It is believed that this teaching originated in China, that the turn of the seasons is the time when evil spirits increase to cause illness and other misfortune. We eat Nanakusa-gayu as the early spring herbs’ sprouts to give people much vitality, eliminate evils, and wish good health and longevity.
Japanese people have carried on this custom for a long time eating this healthy food, Nanakusa-gayu, on January the 7th using those 7 herbs contain much medicinal properties and vitamins. In recent times, Japanese people tend to eat large feasts and drink alcohol; this Nanakusa-Gayu may help for one’s upset stomach.
年賀状(ねんがじょう) -New Year’s Card
Nengajoo-New Year’s Card; Photo Credit, Yoko Irisawa
Happy New Year! Thank you so much for your continued friendship and support for me.
As this year is the year of the snake, this new year’s card has a snake on it. Also 謹賀新年, Kingashinnen, is a greeting word to congratulate the new year. If you use 明けましておめでとうごさいます (Akemashite Omedetoogozaimasu), you can’t use both. Please use one of them.
「明けましておめでとうございます」という新年の挨拶(あいさつ)は普通(ふつう)一月七日(いちがつなのか)まで使(つか)いますが、そのあとは「本年もどうぞよろしくお願いします。」と言(い)うのがいいと思(おも)います。目上(めうえ)の方(かた)には「謹賀新年」のほうが丁寧(ていねい)なご挨拶だと思います。また、「明けましておめでとうございます。」は年賀状を書(か)くときにもどなたかにご挨拶をするときにも使えますが、「謹賀新年」はお祝いの言葉(ことば)を書くときに使います。You can say “akemashite omedetoogozaimasu” from January the 1st to the 7th (You can’t say “akemashite omedetoogozaimasu” before the new year comes.) After January the 7th, you can just say “Honnenmo doozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu” which means I appreciate your continuous support for me and friendship. “When you write a new year’s card to your superiors, 謹賀新年, Kingashinnnen” is more appropriate as it is more polite and humble expression. Also, “Akemashite omedetoogozaimasu” can be used for written and oral greetings, but “kingashinnen” is only for a greeting in writing.
年賀状は元旦(がんたん)に着(つ)くように、一週間(いっしゅうかん)ぐらい前(まえ)までに出(だ)します。 To be sure the postcards are delivered on New Year’s Day, people normally post their cards about one week before New Year’s Day.
そして、ひとつとても大切(たいせつ)なことは、一年以内(いちねんいない)に不幸(ふこう)があった喪中(もちゅう)の人(ひと)には「明けましておめでとうございます」などの新年の挨拶は控(ひか)えるのが普通(ふつう)です。喪中は家族(かぞく)が悲(かな)しみを乗(の)り越(こ)えるための期間(きかん)ですから、日本(にほん)では、お祝(いわ)い事(ごと)やおめでたいことは避(さ)けるのが通常(つうじょう)です。 One important thing to note is that there is a custom that we don’t send the new year’s card or exchange the words to congratulate new year to the family who has experienced the death of a family member in the previous year in Japan. The family may send a postcard saying, “We refrain from New Year’s greetings due to the mourning period”.
最近(さいきん)は、年賀状を出すのをやめる人も多(おお)いようです。この年賀状で最後(さいご)の年賀状にさせていただきますというメッセージを年賀状に入(い)れる人もおられるようです。 In recent times, there are some who may stop sending new year’s cards. If that is the case, they may mention that they will abstain from sending their new year’s card after this year.
最後(さいご)に、年賀状の表(おもて)にある番号(ばんごう)は宝(たから)くじのようなもので、現金(げんきん)30万円(さんじゅうまんえん)やほかの賞品(しょうひん)が当(あ)たるかもしれません。 Finally, the number at the bottom of the front of the New Year’s Card is just like a lotto and you may win “otoshidama”-New Year’s Money Gift, up to 300, 000 yen or other gifts.
新しいボードゲーム-Our New Board games
Photo credit: Yoko Irisaws
Today, I had a lesson with Naoki-kun and Naoki-kun's mother. I went to Naoki-kun’s house with my new board game, Monopoly.
I'm really bad at games so I lost again today... At the end of the game, I received a card notifying me “Investment Failure.''
The other day, we played Naoki's new board game for beginners players, Catan, As I expected, I lost the game, but this was so much fun and I want to get better at it.
今日(きょう)は直樹(なおき)くんと直樹くんのお母(かあ)さんの日本語(にほんご)のレッスンの日(ひ)でした。私(わたし)は新(あたら)しいボードゲーム、モノポリーを持(も)って直樹くん達(たち)の家(いえ)へ行(い) きました。
私は本当(ほんとう)にゲームが不得意(ふとくい)ですから、今日(きょう)も負(ま)けました… ゲームの最後(さいご)に「投資(とうし)の失敗(しっぱい)」というゲームの札(ふだ)をもらいました。
この間(あいだ)は、初心者(しょしんしゃ)向(む)けのカタン島(とう) と言(い)う直樹くんの新しいゲームをしました。楽(たの)しいゲームでしたが、やっぱり負(ま)けました。でも、これはとても楽(たの)しかったので、上手(じょうず)になりたいです。
This year’s Halloween - 今年のハロウィーン
Photo credit: Yoko Irisawa
Halloween is not only something that children look forward to, but adults also enjoy. They put a lot of effort into their decorations!
Jack-o-lanterns ジャック・オ・ランタン かぼちゃ提灯(ちょうちん)
The neatly gathered fallen leaves in front of the gravestones…
墓石(はかいし・ぼせき)の前(まえ)に きれいに集(あつ)められた落ち葉(おちば)
A baby dinosaur
赤(あか)ちゃんの 恐竜(きょうりゅう)
My friend’s from far-1 朋あり遠方より来たる…
Inari-zushi, Cha-soba, and Renkon no Kinpira (Photo by Yoko Irisawa)
Robert-san, who has been working hard to pursue a PhD in marine biology on the west coast, came to see me in the beginning of September. He has been studying the Japanese language with me since November 2020.
We walked to the new Asian grocery store near the Library together where we bought ingredients for our dinner and some Japanese sweets. Then, we ate the sweets in the square, and walked back to my house together.
At home, we made Inari-zushi together, and I made Cha-soba and sautéed lotus root. I had a really good time!
In the beginning of the Analects of Confucius, there is a sentence, “A friend of mine visits me from far away; how happy I was to spend a good time together.” I really understand the feeling; I really enjoy my friends’ visit as well.
Robert-san makes Inari-sushi (Photo by Yoko Irisawa)
私達(わたしたち)は、図書館(としょかん)の近(ちか)くにできた新(あたら)しいアジア食料品店(しょくりょうひんてん)へ行(い)って、晩(ばん)ごはんの食材(しょくざい)や日本(にほん/ にっぽん)の甘(あま)いものを買(か)いました。お腹(なか)が空(す)いていたので、図書館にある広場(ひろば)で日本の甘いものを食べて、日本語で話(はなし)をしながら一緒(いっしょ)に歩(ある)いて私(わたし)の家(いえ)へ帰(かえ)りました。
夏の終わり The end of the summer
Before I knew it, my summer was all gone as if it was fast forwarded. Now, it’s time for me to review what memorial things happened during this summer.
For me, every year the moment summer ends is when Japan’s high school baseball tournament ends. I love watching the energy and seriousness of high school baseball players and they gave me the power to step forward. Watching their play every spring and summer, recharges my energy. Congratulations to Kyoto International Junior and Senior High School on taking the championship victory.
夢を叶える-Make your dream come true; Wedding…
Photo credit: Yoko Irisawa
Before I knew it, my summer was all gone as if it was fast forwarded. Now, it’s time for me to review what memorial things happened during this summer.
In July, there was important news; Hannah-san and Matt-san, who I wrote in my blog series “Making your dream come true”, got married receiving a warm blessing from their family members and friends.
The heartwarming wedding filled with tears and smiles was held under the beautiful summery blue sky and bright sunshine.
Finding the special person and taking the steps together in their new lives may be a dream-like event for many people… Congratulations; I am so happy for both of you, Hannah-san and Matt-san.
その涙(なみだ)と微笑(ほほえ)みに溢(あふ)れた心温(こころあたた)まる結婚式(けっこんしき)は、美(うつく)しい夏(なつ)の青空(あおぞら) と明(あか)るい日差(ひざ)しの下(もと)で行(おこな)われました。
Dinosaurs Puzzle - 恐竜🦕のパズル
In Naoki-kun and his mother’s class, we challenged each other to solve a Dinosaurs Puzzle. As I am so bad at playing games, I always lose any games against 6-year old Naoki-kun. Yesterday, we solved the puzzle together so I didn’t lose, but they solved over 100 pieces and I solved 20 pieces… Naoki-kun and his mother are very good at solving intricate puzzles.
2024 O-hanami! お花見🌸
Photo credit: Codey Tanner
Photo credit: Yoko Irisawa
May 20 was Victoria Day which is a Canadian national holiday. As cherry-blossoms had started blooming, I decided to hold a cherry blossom viewing with my students and their families. Despite the short notice, in total 20 students and their family members attended our o-hanami, cherry-blossom viewing.
Photo credit: Codey Tanner
I got up early, and made many Inarizushi for our lunch. It was very cold unfortunately, but I was very happy to see many people attended the event and spent some good time by meeting other students and their families. Thank you so very much for your time to attend the gathering.
Photo credit: Codey Tanner Cassie-san made yummy cookies for us! Thank you very much!
By now, most of Sakura blossoms may have passed, but our fun memories will stay with us. I will pick a warmer day for next year, I hope to see all of you again.
5月20日(ごがつ はつか)はカナダの法定休日(ほうていきゅうじつ)であるビクトリアデーでした。桜(さくら)が咲(さ)き始(はじ)めたので、生徒(せいと)の皆(みな)さんやご家族(かぞく) とお花見(はなみ)をすることにしました。 急(きゅう)なお知(し)らせにもかかわらず、20人(にじゅうにん)の生徒の皆さんやご家族の方(かた)がお花見に参加(さんか)してくださいました。
Chess Lessons-1 チェスのレッスン
Monday nights, I normally teach Japanese to a 6-year old boy, Naoki-kun, and his mother. Yesterday, I requested him to teach me chess.
I prepared my chessboard and he gave me a nice compliment on it. He had started teaching me how Knights can move on the chessboard. When he taught me that much, he stopped and switched to play with Play-Doh... I wonder if he figured out that chess is too difficult for me and Play-Doh is more suitable for me...
Someiyoshino or Yaezakura ソメイヨシノか 八重桜か……
Photo credit: Hiroko A.
Someiyoshino - Photo credit: Hiroko A.
Japan has its beauty throughout the four seasons, but I absolutely love the season of cherry blossoms. It seems that the best time to see cherry blossoms has ended in Honshu, but in Hokkaido, they say that the cherry blossoms will bloom soon. Which would you prefer, Someiyoshino (single-blossom cherry, Prunus yedoensis) or Yaezakura (Double-blossom cherry)? Although, I like the gorgeous double-blossom cherry, but I prefer the pale pink Someiyoshino cherry blossoms.
It varies depending on region, however, normally Japanese schools hold graduation ceremonies from mid-to-late March when the beautiful cherry blossoms begin to bloom, and entrance ceremonies are held at the beginning of April when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.
Yezakura, phto credit: Hiroko A.
Sweet Temptation 甘い誘惑−1
As you may know, Japanese Convenience stores have full of interesting inexpensive sweets. Meron-pan, Baumkuchen, and Cheesecake; these are a few examples of sweets I tend to buy at Japanese convenience stores. I especially can’t resist buying sweets filled with whipped cream or custard cream…
Mt. Fuji 富士山
Mt. Fuji: photo taken by Yoko Irisawa
When I reserve a seat on the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka-bound, I always request a seat with a good view of Mt. Fuji. Last year, a kind friend of mine bought a Shinkansen ticket for me in advance. Thanks to him, I was able to see the beautiful Mt. Fuji. I feel like the new year is going to be a great year as I feel like the beautiful view of Mt. Fuji brings good luck.
When you go to Japan and reserve your Shinkansen seat, I suggest you to request the staff at the Midori-no-Madoguchi ticket office if a seat with a good view of Mt. Fuji is available by asking them, “Fuji-san ga mieru hoo no seki o onegaidekimasuka? (May I request a seat with a view of Mt. Fuji, if possible.) “ I hope that you can reserve a good seat. 東京(とうきょう)から大阪方面(おおさかほうめん)行(い)きの新幹線(しんかんせん)の席(せき)を予約(よやく)する時(とき)に、私(わたし)はいつも富士山(ふじさん)が良(よ)く見(み)える席(せき)をお願(ねが)いします。去年(きょねん)は、親切(しんせつ)な友人(ゆうじん)が私の代(か)わりに新幹線のチケットを先(さき)に買(か)っておいてくれました。お陰(かげ)で、美(うつく)しい富士山を見ることが叶(かな)いました。富士山が綺麗(きれい)に見えた年明(としあ)けは、いい一年(いちねん)になるような気(き)がします。
自動販売機(じどうはんばいき)-Vending machine
Have you seen a Japanese vending machine? This vending machine sells sandwiches, o-nigiri (rice balls), and sweets. For drinks, you can choose hot or cold drinks.
夢を叶える -Inari Jinja
Photo Credit: Hannah-san (Nezu Jinja)
Hannah-san and Matt-san went to Nezu Jinja, in Tokyo. As I have never gone to Nezu Jinja, I would like to write about Fushimiinari Taisha in Kyoto. This shrine has famous Senbon Torii, one thousand torii, The Senbon Torii is the many Shinto Shrine gates in this shrine; literally it means a thousand Trii gates, but they say it is about 800, and there are about 10,000 of torii gates on Mt. Inari.
Fushimiinari Tanisha is a shrine where enshrine goods of grain and agriculture. As you may know, the rice we see in he stores is after grains are threshed, and we call threshed rice as Kome and unthreshed rice is called Ine. After the Edo Period in Japan, people prayed at Fushimiinari Taisha wishing to have rich rice harvests. The name of the shrine, Inani, came from Ine ga naru which means good rice harvest. The devotees devoted hundreds of Torii hoping that their wishes will go through or to show their appreciations after their wishes have gone through. So people go through this beautiful hundreds of Torii gates hoping their wishes go through.
I wonder if Hannah-san and Matt-san wishes will go through and their dreams come true…
Gift Certificate ギフト券
Different designs and amounts of gift cards are available
I made some gift certificates today. Hope one of them will be in your Christmas stocking!
夢を叶える-宮島 Miyajima
Photo Credit: Hannah-san
This time, I would like to write about Miyajima, one of the places Hannah-san and Matt-san visited in Japan. Hannah-san said that Miyajima was her favorite place of all. I love Miyajima as well and am using my photo of Miyajima in this blog as well as my website.
Photo Credit: Yoko Irisawa
Shima means island in English, and “Miyajima” and “Itsukushima” are the same place. (When the word, island, is used alone, it is pronounced as “shima”, and when it is compounded with a name of the island, it is pronounced as -jima. ) They say, as both Miya and Jinja mean a shrine, during the Edo-period, people started to call the island Miyajima which means a shrine island.
Photo Credit: Hannah-san
According to my research, Japan has 25 world heritage sites and Miyajima is one of them. The shrine on the ocean creates the illusion of the shrine gate in vermillion; it is floating on the water when it’s high tide, and people can walk through the big shrine gate on the beach when it’s low tide.
They say that the best view of Miyajima can be appreciated from the top of Mt. Misen. Unfortunately, I have never climbed Mt. Misen, but they say that we can view many islands in Seto Inland Sea.
Photo Credit: Yoko Irisawa
Not only in Miyajima, but elsewhere in Japan, Shinto and Buddhism coexisted. This Mt. Misen, is where the founder of Shingon Sect, Kukai. After Kukai returned to Japan from the Tang Dynasty, he traveled to Miyajima and trained at Mt. Misen. If you are interested, please read https://daisho-in.com/about_daishoin.html#
Photo Credit: Hannah-san
Hannah-san and Matt-san visited the shrine, took some photos of deer, visited the Miyajima History and Folklore Museum, enjoyed some o-musubi (riceballs), had a tour at the Daisheein, then had a tea break at Tenshinkaku Cafe. At the end of the day, they stayed at the inn, Kamada, which accepts only one group of guests per day. They had breakfast with the owner of the inn and enjoyed talking with them in Japanese and English over Anne of Green Gables. I would love to stay in the Inn in the future.
Photo Credit: Hannah-san
夢を叶える-東京 タワー Tokyo Tower
Photo Credit: Hannah-san
Hannah-san and Matt-san arrived in Tokyo at the end of their trip to Japan. I found out that Tokyo Tower, which you can see in the picture, was built in 1958. At 333 meters, it was the tallest free standing broadcasting tower in the world at that time. Today, Tokyo Sky Tree is the world’s tallest at 634 meters, which was opened in May 2012, and is doing the most of the broadcasting services in Tokyo area.
I wonder which you would prefer; Tokyo Tower, or Sky Tree?
Halloween- ハロウィン🎃
Today is Halloween.
I went “Trick-or-treating” with my 5-year old student, Naoki, and his parents. The houses are decorated with colourful Halloween decorations and the children who are dressed as animals, monsters, cartoon or anime characters, got for to door to “trick-or-treat”. In most cases, the occupants of the house open the door for the children for “trick’-o- treat”, but some houses leave a box on the front porch for the children to take treats themselves.