夢を叶える-横丁 Yokochoo
It was a very busy summer as several students of mine travelled to Japan this summer and two among them were preparing for their studies in Japan. As such, I finally could get back to my writing on “Making dreams come true” series of my blog on Hanna-san’s trip to Japan.
This photo is what Hanna-san sent for me and she told me that it was taken near the alley close to one of the train stations in Tokyo. In this alley, you can see someone has decorated the alley with many paper lanterns hanging overhead. These paper lanterns are advertisements and decorations of nearby shops such as noodle shops and Izakaya (Japanese style pub). However, o-bon (around mid-August), some Japanese families light the front door of their houses with the paper lanterns so that their ancestors’ spirits won’t get lost while finding their house, or some families display Bon-choochin (Bon-Festival Lantern) in front of the Buddhist altar.
As you may see in the photo, some of the the store signs are written in Hiragana or Katakana. ⚪︎⚪︎-ya means ⚪︎⚪︎Shop or ⚪︎⚪︎Restaurant, specializing in certain items or food for sell, it also may be the business owner’s last name. Looking closely at the background of the photo, you can see the sign “Shabu Yoo” (shabushabu restaurant, Yoo) which is written horizontally. We can write the Japanese language vertically or horizontally. In modern Japanese, in writing vertically, starting the top and goes down, then proceed to the left. In Japanese horizontal writing, as in English, we write left to right.
Sadly, Hannah-san and her boyfriend’s first trip to Japan has ended… I also felt sad toward the end of their trip. Strange enough, I felt I had been traveling with them in Japan.
They planed their trip meticulously, by carefully choosing where to visit and where to stay. They visited Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Hiroshima, and Tokyo. They not only traveled through Japan, but also experienced something unusual, such as Kendo (Japanese art of fencing) as well.
I would like to let you peek on charming spots in Japan through their eyes. This is going to be a series of “Make Your Dream Come True” stories, and this story is about Kyoto cuisine.
I admire beautiful Japanese cuisine. They say that Japanese cuisine is to be appreciated by admiring the beauty of it before you eat it. The food is prepared by skilled chefs using visually pleasing colours and considering the feeling of the season, and the serving dishes are carefully chosen to convey the beauty of the season and evoke the art of Japanese cuisine. The harmony of the total art should speak to the person eating as it is the most important thing. Here are some dish examples of the long-established popular Tofu dish Restaurant in Kyoto (Kyoto cuisine); every dish in this restaurant is made of Tofu. This is a restaurant, my friend from Kyoto invited me in the past and I wanted to Hannah-san and her boyfriend to experience its beauty during their first trip to Japan.
夢を叶える-Shikou 88 temples pilgrimage
Today, I received a beautiful picture postcard from Robert-san who is currently traveling in Japan for the first time. The picture in the postcard is Matsuyama castle in Ehime-ken. Robert-san was travelling with his cousin in July mainly in Shikoku region. O-henro is an ancient Buddhist pilgrimage route in the Shikoku region and they have visited many temples.
Robert-san said that he had written this postcard in Shodo-shima Island. He also mentioned that he had to give up on his bicycle trip due to the extreme heat , but he enjoyed watching a baseball game. He wrote the card very carefully in beautiful handwriting using many Chinese characters. He also wrote a special message for me at the end; thank you very much for teaching me the Japanese language.
He is leaving Osaka tomorrow in Japan time and will come back to Canada. Thanks to Robert-san, I had a wonderful day, thank you very much, Robert-san. I look forward to hearing your travel stories.
仲良しチームNakayoshi Team
On Thursday, July 13th, the Nakayoshi Team (Best friends team) and I gathered to celebrate their birthdays at Café Taiyaki 52 on Brunswick Street. All the students in the Nakayoshi-team have their birthdays in either June or July so we celebrated their birthday together. They have been good friends since they were university students and have been studying Japanese together when they have the time. I wish them the best year ahead as they turn 30 together.
夢を叶える-Make your dreams come true
This is a Japanese magazine that Japanese teenage girls read. Hannah-san used to read this magazine when she was a high school student. Several weeks ago, kind Hannah-san’s mother brought it to my house so that I can use it for my lessons.
On the cover page of the 13-yer old magazine, it says, “Special makeup to make your dreams come true!”. I don’t think make-up will make your dreams come true, but it might give people a good impression.
Hannah-san, who was a high school student, has grown into a sophisticated and intelligent lady. She told me that she has been studying Japanese even after graduating from high school. Hannah-san came back to my Japanese class before the trip, but because she has been studying Japanese for a long time, she was able to speak to me in Japanese fluently with very beautiful pronunciation. Hannah told me that she was able to speak with immigration officers at the airport or at the hotel reception, and even sent a suitcase by courier!
Hannah-san has finally fulfilled her dream, and her journey has just begun to fully enjoy Japan. What dreams would you like to make come true?
Hello everyone!
I am going to hold our o-hanami event on Saturday, May 27, this year again! Let’s gather and view beautiful Cherry Blossoms and meet people who love Japanese culture!
Please let me know that you are joining us by emailing me or texting me.
I will prepare inari-zushi and some snacks, so please let me know how many people are in your group.
The date and time: Saturday, May 27 at 1:00 PM- around 2:30 PM
The meeting location: The parking lot of the Dartmouth Commons
Fee: No fee!
Note: Please wear a long sleeve-shirt or jacket to protect yourself from ticks.
I will be holding an imitation Cherry Blossom branch, so you can find me.
ごがつ にじゅうしちにち どようび ごごいちじ から ごごにじはん ごろ まで
費用(ひよう): 無料(むりょう)です。
追記(ついき): 私(わたし)はイミテーションの桜(さくら)の花(はな)の枝(えだ)を持(も)っていますから、私(わたし)を見(み)つけてくださいね。ダニ予防(よぼう)のため、長袖(ながそで)のシャツやジャケットを着(き)て来(き)てください。
One of my Japanese friends sent me many photos of cherry blossoms. Cherry blossoms bloom all over Japan from the end of March through April. The most famous is the Somei-Yoshino cherry tree, which has a whitish-pink, single flower with five petals. When the Somei-Yoshino cherries fall, the next blooms are double cherry blossoms, Yaezakura, that come in various kinds, including dark pink, pale pink, and even whitish. Double-flowered cherry blossoms have many petals overlapping each other; they look a lot like roses, don’t they?
Crocus flowers
This week, finally my Crocus flowers have bloomed!
Crocus flowers herald the arrival of Spring in Halifax.
I look forward to seeing these flowers bloom every year.
Thank you, Crocus flowers! I hope to see cute flowers bloom next year, too…
今週、やっとクロッカスの花が咲きました。 クロッカスの花がハリファックスに春の訪れを告げてくれます。私は毎年クロッカスの花が咲くのを楽しみにしています。ありがとう、クロッカス!来年も可憐な花が見られますように…
Maccha-steamed bun
Today, I made maccha-steamed bun with sweet bean paste. It was my first time making this kind, but it was not bad. I also made raisin steamed bun, which I make once in a while, as well.
Plum Blossoms
I have heard that plum blossoms herald the coming of Spring in Japan! Today, my friend who lives in Japan sent me this picture. She said that she enjoys the sweet scent of plum blossoms. I can almost smell it from here…
Naoki-kun’s Picnic
Last Monday, 4-year-old Naoki-kun and his mom played with miniature picnic sets.
He is gathering sweets and tea while his mom is making o-bentō ready.
Intro to Travel to Japan
I am holding the class of Intro to Travel to Japan this month. I explain about useful tips when you make your plan to travel to Japan, etiquette, dining manners, as well as some greeting words. I demonstrate how to wear Yukata and you will learn the differences between Kimono and Yukata as well. I also prepare a simple Japanese meal for you to experience dining manners.
The class is 6 participants maximum and a minimum number of 3 participants to hold a class. Please book your space from my Booking Appointment page, and click on Intro to Travel to Japan and select a day (Saturday and Sunday only this month) :https://www.yokosojapanese.com/timetable
I look forward to meeting you!
今月、Intro to Travel to Japan と言(い)うクラスを開催(かいさい)しています。このクラスでは、日本(にほん)へご旅行(りょこう)を計画(けいかく)されている皆様(みなさま)に役立(やくだ)つ情報(じょうほう)、エチケット、食事(しょくじ)のマナー、そして挨拶(あいさつ)の言葉(ことば)などをご提供(ていきょう)いたします。
最小催行人数(さいしょうさいこうにんずう)は3名です。参加(さんか)ご希望(きぼう)の方(かた)は、こちらのリンクをクリックしていただき、Intro to Travel to Japan のコースのカレンダーからご希望の日(ひ)をお選(えら)びください。今月(こんげつ)は土曜日(どようび)と日曜日(にちようび)のみです。皆様(みなさま)にお会(あ)いできることをお待(ま)ちいたしております。
Coming-of-Age Day 成人の日
Coming-of Age Day in Japan is the second Monday in January.
The age of adulthood in Japan has changed from 20 years to 18 years of age since April of last year. Yet, the celebrations for Coming-of Age Day were held for the people who are becoming 20 years old in various regions.
In my hometown, I could see many women who celebrate their Coming-of Age Day in very colourful glamorous Furisode (long-sleeved Kimono, which are normally worn by young unmarried women). Among them, I requested one of the charming ladies wearing a strikingly beautiful Furisode, to let me take a photo of her. This young lady was not only beautiful, but also treated a stranger like me very politely and nicely with a friendly smile. I would like to wish her all the best in her future.
2022年4月1日(にせんにじゅうねん しがつ ついたち)から成年年齢(せいねんねんれい)が20歳(はたち)から18歳(じゅうはっさい)に変(か)わりました。
おみくじ Omikuji
I wish you a peaceful year this year…
Omikuji (sacred lots), personal fortunes, are available at shrines and temples in Japan. My friends and I went to a temple. We went to the temple because one of my friends is in a period of mourning, and we don’t go to shrines for a year when we are in mourning for family members.
Omikuji contains one or two Chinese characters, which represents the person’s fortune for the year ahead. The common Chinese character would be like, 大吉(dai-kichi=excellent luck), 吉(kichi=luck), 中吉(chuu-kichi=some luck), 小吉(shoo-kichi =a little luck), 末吉(sue-kichi=uncertain luck), 凶(Kyoo = bad luck), and 大凶(dai-kyoo=terrible luck). If we didn’t get a good message, we can tie the omikuji to a tree branch or designated place so that Shinto and Buddhist deities would help lead to us better luck.
Welcome home, Samantha!
Samantha left Halifax over 3 years ago to teach English in Japan, but recently, we could finally see each other in-person. She kindly brought me a very nostalgic Japanese snack assortment in a cute bag, and I realized that she really had learned what Japanese people do.
While we were talking, she told me how much enjoyed her life in Japan with her close Japanese friends. I also asked her what she missed from Halifax and what she misses from Japan now. She said that she missed her mother’s cooking, western-style sushi, and driving a car while she was in Japan.
What she misses from Japan after returning to Halifax are Japanese bento, bidets (which most households have), and Japanese convenience stores.
I look forward very much to our next meeting to ask more of her interesting stories.
Naoki-kun made sushi
My youngest student, Naoki-kun, is 4 years old.
He comes to have our lesson every week with his mother, and he brings happiness and smile to my classroom.
He always sits down on the small chair and takes his shoes off first by himself, then asks me to hang his hat and jacket.
This day, he made some wooden sushi for his mother and myself. Thank you very much, Naoki-kun!
The Summer High School Baseball Tournaments
Today is the last game of the Summer High School Baseball Tournaments in 2022. My family has been watching the game with me.
Fresh eggs
Lily-san gave me some precious fresh eggs. Her parents’ chickens lay eggs daily, so she brought some for me. They are all beautiful and the shells are very strong.
I made some Chirashizushi bentoo using the eggs and other colourful ingredients. The colour of the egg yolks is so vivid, and it was very tasty, too. Thank you very much, Lily-san!
リリーさんから 貴重(きちょう)な産(う)みたての卵(たまご)をいただきました。リリーさんのご両親(りょうしん)の鶏(にわとり)は毎日(まいにち)卵(たまご)を産(う)むので、私(わたし)に持(も)って来(き)てくれました。卵(たまご)はみんなとてもきれいで、卵(たまご)の殻(から)はとても固(かた)かったです。
Event Report: Pop-up o-hanami
Thanks to the many people who prayed for nice whether for our Cherry Blossom Viewing on Saturday, May 21. One of my students who lives close by the Dartmouth Commons helped me to determine how soon the trees would be blooming. Without her help, this event could never happen.
Five students and their families came to gather with us despite the short notice to admire the beautiful cherry blossoms. We had a great time together admiring the bright pink cherry blossoms and eating Taiyaki that one of my students kindly brought for us and o-nigiri that I made for us.
More than 85% of my students are having virtual lessons, so it was very nice to meet them in-person. For a couple of them, it was the first we met in-person.
The beautiful deep pink cherry blossoms were 90% in bloom. I believe that they are called “Kanzan”, which is double-flowered cherry blossoms, and the flowers may look like roses.
I look forward to having other opportunities for gathering with my students and people who love the Japanese language and its culture.
たくさんの人(ひと)がいいお天気(てんき)になるように祈(いの)ってくださったお陰(かげ)で、5月21日(ごがつ にじゅういちにち)の土曜日(どようび)はいいお天気(てんき)になりました。ダートマス・コモンズの近(ちか)くに住(す)む私(わたし)の生徒(せいと)の一人(ひとり)が桜(さくら)の開花状況(かいかじょうきょう)を知(し)らせてくださいました。この方(かた)のご協力(きょうりょく)なしではこのお花見(はなみ)はできなかったと思(おも)います。
Pop-up o-hanami 🌸
Hello everyone!
I am going to hold a pop-up o-hanami event tomorrow.
If you haven’t told me yet, please let me know that you are joining us by emailing me. I will prepare o-nigiri and some snacks, so please let me know how many people are in your group.
Pop-up o-hanami🌸!
This is a cherry blossom lovers’ gathering!
Let’s gather and view beautiful Cherry Blossoms and meet people who love Japanese culture! I am going to introduce some Japanese business in Dartmouth for people who are new to Dartmouth.
The date and time: Saturday, May 21 at 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
The location: The parking lot of the Dartmouth Commons
Fee: No fee!
Note: I will be holding an imitation Cherry Blossom branch, so you can find me. Please wear a long sleeve-shirt or jacket to protect yourself from ticks.
ごがつ にじゅういちにち どようび ごぜん11じ から ごご1じ まで
費用(ひよう): 無料(むりょう)です。
追記(ついき): 私(わたし)はイミテーションの桜(さくら)の花(はな)の枝(えだ)を持(も)っていますから、私(わたし)を見(み)つけてくださいね。ダニ予防(よぼう)のため、長袖(ながそで)のシャツやジャケットを着(き)て来(き)てください。